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insphero参加2015毒理学协会年度会议(Society of Toxicology Annual...
来自 : 发布时间:2025-02-24
2015年第54期毒理学协会年度会议(Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo,SOT),于2015.03.22—2015.03.26在圣地亚哥(San Diego, CA, USA)举办 22.03.-26.03.2015 - SOT 2015 - San Diego, CA, USA insphero的展位号是2283(Meet InSphero at Booth #2318) insphero参与SOT会议,让3D(三维)细胞毒性检测变得更简单(Discover 3D Toxicity Testing Made Simple) 下载insphero指南(Download your InSphero guide to SOT 2015) insphero的3D细胞培养系列产品链接地址:http://www.qbioscience.com/Brand_T24.html 在2015年第54期毒理学协会年度会议(Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting ,SOT)上,有8个海报展示,三个参展商,和我们insphero最大的ToxExpo展位以及Beers and Spheres 联谊会。今年的SOT会议insphero会提供更多的机会,让您更好的学习用3D微组织模型来预测毒性和进行安全性测试,主要包括以下内容: 1.生物行业的佼佼者如Genentech, AstraZeneca, Biognosys,和PerkinElmer, 正在寻找3D肝脏微组织(3D InSightTM Liver Microtissues)作为优越的模型来评估长期毒性(long-term toxicity)、ADC介导的毒性(ADC-mediated toxicity),药物性肝损伤阳性率(DILI predictivity),化合物治疗蛋白质组学剖析(compound-treated proteomic profiling),transporter efflux activity ,以及。。。 2.除了通过3D肝脏模型研究毒性外,还可以构建胰岛、心脏和神经3D模型来研究药物毒性 3.学习并与生物行业领先的细胞水平药物筛选,蛋白质组学,成像公司合作,确保您能充分利用3D模型系统 4.与insphero的3D专家讨论如何定制合同研究项目,已满足您的实验需求 5.参与我们的Beers and spheres联谊会——3月23日,星期一,下午7点      海报展示Poster Presentations Defeating the Animal: Alternative Systems for Neurotoxicity Testing(presented by IfADo, Dortmund, Germany)Abstract #248, Poster Board #414Monday, March 23: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Prodrug Activation in a Dynamic Microfluidics System Interconnecting Liver and Tumor Microtissues Abstract #449, Poster Board #136Monday, March 23:  1:00 PM - 4:30 PM   Standardized Rat and Human Microislets for Diabetes Research and Drug Safety AssessmentAbstract #1201, Poster Board #632Tuesday, March 24: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM Evaluation of Spherical Liver Microtissues for In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Antibody-Drug Conjugates(Presented by Genentech)Abstract #892, Poster Board #115Tuesday, March 24: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM Quantification of Efflux Transporter Activity in 3D Human Liver Microtissues(Collaboration with PerkinElmer)Abstract #2635, Poster Board #340Thursday, March 26: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Global Proteomic Profiling of Acetaminophen-Exposed 3D Human Liver Microtissues Identifies Novel NAPQI Adduct Sites(Collaboration with Biognosys AG)Abstract #2589, Poster Board #251Thursday, March 26: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Evaluation of the 3D InSightTM Human Liver Microtissues for the Detection of Compounds That Cause Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Humans(Presented by AstraZeneca)Abstract #2569, Poster Board #231Thursday, March 26: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Transmembrane Potential Measurements in Cardiac Microtissues Derived from Human Stem Cells(Presented by University of Glasgow)Abstract #2840, Poster Board #659Thursday, March 26: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Modifications Required for ATP and Caspase Detection Assays Applied to 3D Cell Spheroids(Presented by Promega Corp.)Abstract #2577, Poster Board #239Thursday, March 26: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM  Exhibitor Hosted Sessions参展商举办会议 Join us for free continental breakfast!3D microtissue cultures: use in long-term hepatocyte ADME-Tox studies Co-presented with BioreclamationIVTMonday, March 239:15 AM - 10:15 AMRoom 24BInSphero and BioreclamationIVT present the latest data on the characterization of 3D human liver microtissues and their application to toxicity testing, drug metabolism studies and disease modelling. In addition, the attendees will learn about donor-to-donor differences and the use of liver non-parenchymal cells for 3D liver cultures. 3D microtissues meet OMICS technologies and high-content imagingMonday, March 233:15 PM - 4:15 PMRoom 24COMICS technologies and high-content imaging have been demonstrated to be valuable tools to unravel biological pathways and phenotypic outcomes. This session aims to introduce the use of confocal imaging techniques, transcriptomics and proteomics in combination with organotypic 3D model systems to assess toxicological pathways and mechanisms. 3D liver models and beyond: 3D hepatic, cardiac, pancreatic, and neural microtissue models for toxicity testingTuesday, March 242:30 PM - 3:30 PMRoom 24C3D liver microtissue models have demonstrated significant value as more organotypic systems for assessment of toxicity.  This session aims to cover the latest studies characterizing 3D InSight™ liver microtissues, and introduce novel 3D models for assessment of toxicity in non-liver organs, focusing on the heart, pancreas, and brain.     Join us for cocktails at our \'Beers and Spheres\' EventCo-hosted by Promega and Cellular Dynamics InternationalMonday, March 23 7:00 PM - 10:00 PMDon Chido - San Diego Gaslamp527 5th AvenueSan Diego, CA 92101

本文链接: http://nsp.immuno-online.com/view-1427239844.html

发布于 : 2025-02-24 阅读()